Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oh America

       The media. Let's talk about the media. More specifically, let's talk about American media. The American media is well, disgusting and gave me unrealistic expectations for everything ever. American music, American television, American cinema, and America video games are all not appropriate  minus the children's section. It's violent and and sexual and even MORE sexual. Did I say profane? Oh boy, its profane. As a semi- creative individual I believe there are places times for violence and sexual relations. In many circumstances it can be a good thing, however these days it isn't being used under those circumstances.
Orson Scott Card

     Orson Scott Card wrote in his review of the television show Game of Thrones, "What you notice first is the amount of pointless nudity. Now, it happens that in the coarse medieval world of Martin's novels, there is a casual attitude toward sex. But Martin never, not once, uses sex pornographically. It's not described in detail, and it is always used as part of character revelation, relationship building or plot complication. You don't dwell on it, you know that it happened and you move forward in the story." 

   Fans of the show called Card's review, "harsh", however as a fan of the books and television show, I have to go with Card. The A Song of Ice and Fire series is beautiful and brutual. A complex world. George R.R. Martin put a whole lot of genius and a whole lot of realism in the land of Westeros. And yes, there is sex in the books, but in the series its pornographic and in your face every other scene. I can't even pick a specific episode because there is almost always a bunch of nudity. Graphic images. 
What Card is saying, and what I am saying, is that sex in a story isn't bad, in fact it can be good for that story. However, there is a point where is becomes pornographic and you're skipping every other scene. This is what Games of Thrones does. This is what lots of other projects do as well. Everyone is having sex. All the time. But I'm beating a dead horse at this point, so I'm going to move on. 
     Next, profanity. Profanity is a huge thing. Always the cursing, always the swearing. I don't have a specific example besides reality television minus the elusive Sister Wives.Whatever though, right? The only expectation I had about high school, thanks to the media, that was actually true was the cursing, There is a lot of profanity. I mean I kind of thought high school would be Animal House from the television interpretation of these blessed four years, but alas, I was wrong. I'm happy about that I suppose. There is much less pressure to drink or do drugs than expected. I'll take it. Finally, violence. I've already written my opinion on violence here.

So what am I saying exactly?
We overuse profanity, sex, and violence on television all the time.

My Suggestion:
We need a little more this:
And a little less that:

And a lot more of this: 

Let's face it though, we always need more Disney. 

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