Monday, December 17, 2012

"Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so."

Title: For the Bible Tells Me So
Rating: Unrated
Release Date: October 5th, 2007
Directed by: Daniel G. Karslake
Written by: Helen R. Mendoza, Daniel G. Karslake 
Run time: 95 Mins 

        Daniel Karslake's For the Bible Tells Me So, chronicles the lives of five Christian families as they react to finding out their children are homosexual. Each family's story is different. The Robinson's find out their son, Gene is gay. While not actively supportive, they have grown to support him and believe that being appointed the first openly gay bishop of the Anglican Church was what God intended for their son. There is Mary Lou Wallner who retells the story of her daughter's coming out and subsequent suicide. After her daughter's death, Wallner's faith is shaken and her beliefs reexamined. Then there is the Reitan family from Eden Prairie, Minnesota. When Randi and Phil's son, Jake, comes put they fear for his safety and their pastor suggests a conversion therapy. However, now the family as grown closer, each and every one advocates for LGBTQ rights. There is the Poteats who have come to accept their lesbian daughter, but do not consider her and her partner eligible for marriage. Finally there is the Gephardts, a political family who has a lesbian daughter. The parents are extremely supportive of their daughter. Richard Gephardt describes his role as a parent as "unconditional love." Every family has an individual story, but each family reaches the conclusion that they must their children no matter what. Yet some learn the message a bit too late.
     Gene Robinson planned to be a minister when he was older, but he was worried  about his sexuality  he wasn't attracted to women. He continued to theological studies and got married to one of his friends.However, the two got divorced and Gene has been committed to his long time partner, Mark. Gene Robinson is the first gay bishop of the Anglican Church worldwide. Tonia Poteat is a graduate of Yale University and still has issues with her parents, but the Poteats have made lots of progress over the years. Jake Reitan came out in high school to his parents, but they were worried about their son's safety. Over the years, Reitan and his family have become advocates for the causes. According to Karslake, the family has now been arrested at protests multiple times. Mary Lou Wallner's daughter, Anna, came out to her in a letter. Wallner's reply was less than cordial and the two lost touch. Months later, Anna committed suicide, Since then Wallner has studied the Bible extensively and her change of heart is profound. Finally, the Gephardts are in the middle of a campaign when their daughter, Chrissy, comes out to them after her divorce. The family is wholly accepting and asks Chrissy to be a large part of their campaign. Chrissy was publicly out and she recalls that she has been approached by parents and children alike to say, "Thank you."
      The film itself is well written using easy transitions into each story. One of the highlights of the film is a cartoon written about the scientific investigation performed regarding homosexuality, it brings humor to a largely heavy film. The script wove all the segments together  fluidly. Then tension builds easily and engrosses the viewer, investing them in each family's story. Another strong point of the film was the editing. The use of B-roll footage helped the viewer view family life before a child came out. It also provided family history and general background information, such as dates and time. The transitions were also well put together connecting each story with their most basic similarities, like concerns for a child's health. Each family was able to present their opinion in an organized platform.
    Overall, I would highly recommend the film. Each person had something special to contribute to the film. Some had tearful confessions of grief, some shared a change of heart, and some overcome situations of extreme scrutiny. Each had an anecdote or two up their sleeves and a unique story to tell. It was refreshing and provocative. It was thought- provoking and well done.

For the Bible Tells Me So, Unrated, 95 Mins 

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