Thursday, September 13, 2012

Personalized Learning

    Will Richardson's article, Preparing Students to Learn Without Us, explores personalized learning and its practice in innovative schools. Richardson plunges into the world of personalized learning and schools that are adapting this new sort of curriculum, like the Hunterdon Central Regional High School has adopted alternative credit pathways and personalized learning methods. Richardson concludes that it is important to teach students information that pertains to them, and that has time goes on and technology becomes more complex , this curriculum becomes more achievable, so to speak. 
   One poignant quote from Richardson's article is, "Students understand that there is no one "right" answer that the teacher expects, that there are many answers, and that the teacher and students will likely discover many of these together." This quote touches on the aspect of community aspect of personalized learning. The quote makes a lasting impression because I believe we are always learning. I like that only do the students learns from the teacher, but the teacher learns from the students. What really surprised me about the article was seeing how teachers helped connect course material to a student's interest. The example in the article is connecting the Knights in British literature to modern day football players. What surprised me the most was learning how we can connect our interests do what we are doing in school. I mean, I knew this before don't I didn't realize how universal the connections truly are.
         I think connected learning is quite a marvelous idea, unless of course, we are start using extremely complex networks because, frankly I am not good with technology. Asides from technical difficulties or any disorganization  it would be fantastic to become a community of learners, who can continue their passions to their schoolwork. To quote Richardson, "In other words, it's risk and reward..." I think we should take the risk, despite complication that could arise, because there would be many significant rewards, such as a renewed interest in learning. One thing that I would personally like to learn about is to write a script/ screenplay with proper format. It would be beneficial to learn and I would be more connected with the official process of writing for films and other assignments. 

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