Saturday, September 8, 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild

   Benh Zeitlin's film, Beasts of the Southern Wild, is a masterpiece. Roger Ebert reviewed the after it's initial release, and deems the film, "miraculous" and one of the best films of the year. Ebert starts his review of the independent film, with a description of of a the plot and background information. That includes the setting and a description of our main character, six year old Hushpuppy. He continues to give a plot summary and characterization. Ebert gives detail on the setting and what it was like for the actors to film on location. The review itself is focused on the literary aspects and dramatic aspects. The reviewer calls the film one of the best films of the year and gives the film four stars. They do not give away the ending. We should structure our quarterly movie reviews by giving plot details and discussing all aspects of a film. We can discuss the films weaknesses and its strengths.We should view the movie from every aspect of film making.

Here is Roger Ebert's Reivew.

CTR and Allons-y!

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