Sunday, March 3, 2013

Republicans aren't Evil

      I love the CAP program. Really, I do and I’m going to get super preachy here, but could you at least consider reading this? Please? Now, what I want to say doesn’t correlate with the program curriculum, but more the pupils. (I love you, peers. But it has gotten out of hand.)
    What is "it" exactly? Partisanship. Not just partisanship. EXTREME PARTISANSHIP. It was at an all time high during election season, but the problem is fairly consistent. This extreme partisanship leads to informed, ignorant statements that conclude with the infamous words, "Republicans are evil." I acknowledge that we are all entitled to our own opinion, but shouldn't we at least pretend that we've evaluated all sides of an issue?
    I mean, I honestly I have no problem with favoring a specific political party, but we take it to a new low. Are we trying to ensure more policy gridlock? Even worse, I don't think anyone I know accepts any party but the Democratic Party, unless of course its the Socialist or Communist Party. The Republican Party isn't accepted and is no where close to be respected. Even anarchy is regarded as a better solution than a Republican president. Why? Because of a few extreme politicians, like Todd Akin.
      But, in all honesty, don't both parties want the same thing? Stabilize the economy and promote individual freedoms? They support the Constitution, personal rights, and limited government. Doesn't sound all that evil does it? Just because some Republicans are socially Conservatives, doesn't make all Republicans awful people. Right? Republicans are people too.
     For most of my friends, it isn't comprehensible that someone could be a Republican. Have you ever thought that there actually are Republicans in this states? In this county? This school? And they don't voice their opinions because they are afraid to chopped up and exiled from this school. I mean, we only have a Young Democrats Club, no Young Republicans club. Of course, Republicans don't voice opinions especially with all the lies spread around in the predominantly liberal news about the Party.
     Do you want to know a secret? Conservatives aren't the only extremists, Liberals can have extreme views too, and sometimes, BIG SHOCK, these extremely liberal policies hinder the country's development instead of helping it. (I know, it doesn't seem possible that a Democrat could have flaws. But when was the time Obama met with his budget committee?)

Please. Don’t conclude another sentence with, “...but Republicans are evil.” Because I might cry in the middle of class.
You don’t want that, trust me.
Maybe you do.

(This is just me venting about how Republicans aren't given any respect by anyone, including all the MEDIA, except Fox News. I mean, you guys do realize that almost all other news stations have at least a small liberal leaning right? So, why must be Fox News existing be such a travesty?)

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