Monday, October 1, 2012

The Glasses: Scriptwriter Homework

     I'm really happy with our script and the footage we have so far. We have a solid beginning, middle, and ending, and that's always a positive thing to have. I honestly feel like the world we created is starting to come together. Is it wrong that  I feel like we done accomplished something good? I really hope not. Anyway, I think we've covered all our dystopian elements as well. Our script is propaganda heavy, we have four figureheads, a fear of the outside world, an illusion of utopia, and citizens living in a dehumanized state. This pleases me, it really does. I really am happy about this. We have some great things planned and I can't wait to watch them come to life.
      I'm really pleased with our montage voice over ideas, I thought they would never come together to be perfectly honest. The voice over will be effective it sets up the basics of our world well. It's a nice summary, without really sounding tedious and pointless. We also spent time reworking the dialogue, especially the figureheads. Of course I can't take all the credit. The lovely Stephanie and Aidan helped with that and it is their genius that helps me continue to feel inspired.
     I can't stress enough how excited and happy I am with this project especially since we changed our character's first name from Katie to Mai. We've made a lot of progress and I'm really happy about it.


  1. Aww thank you for the compliment! And I agree wholeheartedly with the rest of what you wrote. I really love our script and it was super fun to write.
    Also I feel obligated to note that it's "since," not "sense," we changed the character's name. This has been a visit from your friendly neighborhood grammar fairy.

    1. Thanks for catching that Stephanie! I don't think that was what I had meant to write. Can we blame that Chrome or something? It is always super fun to work with you.
